
Nexus Lecture Mario Vargas Llosa -

8 June 2013
14.30 – 17.00
Auditorium Tilburg University

The Future of Humanism

Our time is characterized by a penchant for the trivial: on TV, in the newspapers, in politics and education. It seems like culture is on sale everywhere and only spectacle counts. What appears to be a financial crisis is really a moral crisis. In his 2013 Nexus Lecture, ‘The Future of Humanism’, Mario Vargas Llosa offers a relentless analysis of the flaws of our times, and explores the possibilities of an alternative attitude to life, which holds intellectual ambition, value-consciousness and spiritual autonomy in high regard.

Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru, 1936) is a living legend. As a novelist, journalist, essayist, playwright and politician, he has left his mark on our time and changed the face of Latin America. In 2010, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.


A relentless analysis of the flaws of our times and an exploration of an alternative attitude to life

Published in

Nexus Library

The Culture That Was

Bilingual edition

De verdwenen cultuur

In this 2013 Nexus Lecture Nobel Prize Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa makes a passionate plea for reading books, as a means to secure the future of humanism.



Peru, 1936

Mario Vargas Llosa

winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature


large_1-Welkom-Rob-Riemen_-Nexus-lezing-2013 large_2.-Nexus-Lecture-2013-by-Mario-Vargas-Llosa large_3.-Nexus-Lecture-_The-Future-of-Humanism_-by-Mario-Vargas-Llosa large_4.-Public-Conversation-with-Mario-Vargas-Llosa large_5.-Mario-Vargas-Llosa-on-Culture-and-Literature large_6.-Public-Conversation_-Mario-Vargas-Llosa-and-Rob-Riemen large_7.-Mario-Vargas-Llosa-at-Tilburg-University large_8.-Audience-at-the-Nexus-Lecture-2013 large_Book-signing-at-the-Livius-book-stand