
Nexus, the largest cultural-philosophical journal in the Netherlands, is published three times a year with thought-provoking essays by prominent thinkers and writers from around the world. The Nexus Library contains slim and elegant hardbound volumes with reflections on life and culture by some of the greatest minds of our times. Cultura Animi is our latest […]

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Publication type


Gedachten die niet verloren mogen gaan

Nexus 97


Educare. Wat voor opvoeding verdient een kind?

Nexus 95


De toekomst van de westerse beschaving

Nexus 94

Cultura Animi 4

Essays on Education, Nature and Politics

What Went Wrong With the West

Cultura Animi IV
Cultura Animi 3

Campo, Steiner & Rowland

Becoming Human Is an Art

Cultura Animi III
Cultura Animi 2

in the Eyes of Atwood, Soyinka and Ai

The World as It Is

Cultura Animi II