
Nexus Lecture Amartya Sen -

2 November 1995
Tilburg University

Environmental Threats, Economic Reasoning

In the second Nexus lecture, Amartya Sen argues that a theme like the environment shows us that values and norms should be taken into account in economical analyses, both in order to get a truly clear view of the issue at stake and in order to be able to formulate a solution. For this purpose, economical analysis as it is now needs to be expanded. At the same time, it is important to approach these kind of issues economically. In that way, we can prevent the discussion from being merely limited to a commitment to awareness-raising.

Published in

Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 13

Het universitas-ideaal

Het universitas ideaal

Dutch publication containing essays on the ideal of universitas, cultural memory, eloquence as well as moral and historical knowledge.



India, 1933

Amartya Sen

Nobel Prize winner and development economist