Serbia, 1949
expert of European integration

Ivan Vejvoda

Ivan Vejvoda is senior vice president for programs of the German Marshall Fund, with an expertise in the field of European integration and the Balkans.He came to the German Marshall Fund in 2003, from distinguished service in the Serbian government as senior advisor on foreign policy and European integration to Prime Ministers Zoran Đinđić and Zoran Živković. Prior to that, he served as executive director of the Belgrade-based Fund for an Open Society from 1998 to 2002. Vejvoda, who held various academic posts at various renown international universities, was trained as a political scientist an philosopher in Paris and Belgrado. He became a key figure in the democratic opposition movement in Yugoslavia through the 1990s, and has widely published on the subjects of democratic transition, totalitarianism, and post-war reconstruction in the Balkans.

Speaker at

Battle for Europe


Nexus Symposium

The Battle for Europe

2 April 2016 15.00 - 17.00 DeLaMar Theater Amsterdam