Photo: Robert Goddyn
United States, 1930
musicologist, Beethoven expert

Lewis Lockwood

Lewis Lockwood is a musicologist. He was editor of the Journal of the American Musicological Society and president of the American Musicological Society. Lockwood taught musicology at Princeton and was professor at Harvard from 1980 until his retirement in 2002. He has been Distinguished Senior Scholar at Boston University since 2011. Lockwood specializes in the music of the Italian Renaissance and in Beethoven’s works. His best-known books are Beethoven: The Music and the Life (2003) and Inside Beethoven’s Quartets: History, Performance, Interpretation (2008).
Nexus playlist of Ludwig van Beethoven


Zagajewski, Janik and Lockwood, 2008

Copyright Robert Goddyn. Adam Zagajewski, Allan Janik and Lewis Lockwood at the Nexus Conference 2008.

Speaker at


Nexus Conference 2008

Identity Please!

14 June 2008 09.30 - 18.00 Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam

Published in

Journal Nexus

Nexus 67

School der beschaving
Journal Nexus

Nexus 55

Hoop en vertroosting