Photo: Robert Goddyn
France, 1946
Professor of Armenian literature

Marc Nichanian

Marc Nichanian is Professor of Armenian Language and Culture at Columbia University. After studying at the University of Strasbourg and the École Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes, he began investigating the Turkish mass murder of the Armenians and writing down the reports of survivors and eyewitnesses. This led to his publication in 1998 of a bibliography of Hagop Oshagan and, in 2002, of Writers of Disaster: Armenian Literature in the Twentieth Century. He also wrote Ages et usages de la langue arménienne (1989) and La Perversion historiographique (2006).

Published in

Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 39

De queeste van het leven Deel III. Anatomie van het verlies

Speaker at


Part III. The Anatomy of Loss

The Quest for Life

2 November 2003 9.20 - 22.00 Tilburg University