Photo: Robert Goddyn
Italy, 1944
philosopher and writer

Paolo Flores d’Arcais

Paolo Flores d’Arcais is a philosopher and publicist. He is editor in chief of the essayistic journal MicroMega, of which he was cofounder, and he writes for Il Fatto Quotidiniano, El País, the Frankfurter Allgemeine and Gazeta Wyborcza. He is also a researcher at the university La Sapienza in Rome. From 2002, he led the large protests against the policies of former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Books such as Dio esiste? (2005), Atei o credenti? (2007) and Gesù. L’invenzione del Dio cristiano (2011) contain polemics against Joseph Ratzinger and Michel Onfray.

Published in

Journal Nexus

Nexus 56

De terugkeer van de spoken

Speaker at

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Nexus Symposium

The Return of the Ghosts

11 November 2010 13.30 - 17.45 Auditorium Tilburg University