Photo: Robert Goddyn
Australia, 1938 - 2012
controversial art critic

Robert Hughes

Robert Hughes was an art critic for TIME Magazine since 1964. He became known to a large audience with his books on modern art and architecture, such as The Shock of the New (1981), The Fatal Shore (1987), his memoir Things I Didn’t Know (2006) and Rome (2011), and with his television series on art. Hughes grew up in Australia, studied art history for a time and lived and worked in London before settling in the United States in 1970. In 2009, Hughes delivered the Nexus Lecture.


Robert Hughes delivers the Nexus Lecture 2009

Copyright Robert Goddyn. A Defence of What is Priceless, published in Nexus 51 (in Dutch).

Speaker at



Nexus Lecture Robert Hughes

A Defence of What is Priceless

28 March 2009 14.00 - 17.00 Auditorium Tilburg University

Published in

Journal Nexus

Nexus 51

Mijn Arcadiƫ