
Nexus Masterclass Salam Fayyad -

7 November 2013
15.00 – 17.00
Auditorium Tilburg University

Power and Justice

From 2007 to 2013, Salam Fayyad was Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority. In that function, Fayyad, who studied in the United States and worked for the IMF in Washington, promoted the establishment of a Palestinian state at peace with Israel. His moderate and pragmatic approach resulted in opposition from both Hamas and Fatah. In his Nexus Masterclass, Fayyad will enter into a debate with the audience on the theme of ‘Power and Justice’.


Full videos

Salam Fayyad on Power and Justice

“Do we have an innate notion of justice or is this a social construct?” In his grand speech, Salam Fayyad poses this question and searches for an answer with the help of philosophers and writers such as Plato, Thucydides, Camus, Foucault and Chomsky.

Salam Fayyad on Palestine, Hope, and Peace through Stubborn Non-Violence

Salam Fayyad enters into a discussion with students on the Palestinian state, the importance of hope, and on peace through stubborn non-violence.


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Palestine, 1952

Salam Fayyad

former prime minister Palestinian Authority