Rwanda, 1976
survivor Rwandan genocide and Executive Director of Aegis Trust

Freddy Mutanguha

Freddy Mutanguha is Executive Director of Aegis Trust, an influential NGO campaigning to prevent genocide around the globe. Mutanguha is a survivor of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and played a key role in developing Aegis Trust’s peace education programme in the country. He is now at the forefront of taking the successful model for peace education developed in Rwanda to other countries, working in partnership with community leaders and national or regional authorities in Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. Mutanguha is a Board Member of the Centre for Justice and Reconciliation in Cambodia and Vice President of Ibuka, the umbrella organisation of genocide survivors’ associations in Rwanda. In 2016, he received the Justice and Security Foundation Peace Award for his outstanding contribution to peace.

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The Legacy of 20th-Century Catastrophes

You Tell Us Stories. Why?

2 May 2020 online