France, 1909 - 1943
enigmatic twentieth-century philosopher and writer

Simone Weil

Simone Weil was a philosopher, mystic and activist. She studied philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and went on to teach at various secondary schools. She wrote a large number of articles for socialist and communist newspapers and was a factory worker for Renault, in order to find out what it was like to be a member of the working class. In the Spanish Civil War, she fought on the Republican side while her health permitted it. Simone Weil died young, of tuberculosis and anorexia. Almost all of her work was published posthumously, as is the case with Pesanteur et la Grace (1947), Attente de Dieu (1950) and Oppression et Liberté (1955).

Published in

Journal Nexus

Nexus 77

De laatste revolutie
Journal Nexus

Nexus 53

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Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 30-31

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