Nexus Institute
creates space for critical thinking
We offer a counterpoint to the smallness of mind by challenging the cultural-philosophical debate.
Cultura Animi VII -
Passing on the Flag
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Nexus Conference 2024
The Quest for Vision
Saturday 16 November 2024, 11 AM - 5 PM
National Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam

Valentine’s Day offer
Order a Nexus publication until Friday the 14th of February and receive the novella First Love (1860) by Ivan Turgenev as a gift

History, Politics, Society
Nicolas Baverez
Freedom is a Fight
More than ever, war is not about economics but about power and ideology. Authoritarian empires, as Vladimir Putin shows, will do anything, including war, to prohibit freedom in what they define as their sphere of influence.
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Nexus Lecture Orhan Pamuk
Novels, Museums and the Idea of Europe
Saturday 28 September 2024
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Wynton Marsalis
A Life in Jazz

History, Politics, Society
Jean-Marie Guéhenno
The Mere Absence of War is Not Enough
Have we reached the end of days? War has been a part of the human condition since the beginning of time. But another world war in the age of nuclear weapons would spell the end of humanity as we know it.

History, Philosophy, Science, Society
Ray Monk
Wittgenstein, Russell and Oppenheimer on War and the Bomb
What are the lessons we have to learn from thinkers like Wittgenstein, Russell and Oppenheimer for our time? As it happens, all three of these thinkers have grappled, in fascinatingly contrasting ways, with questions of war and peace, and much could be learned from investigating how they did so.
- Publication
- A Life in Jazz
- Wynton Marsalis
- Activity
- Nexus Conference 2024
- The Quest for Vision in the Era of Confusion, Corruption and Foolishness
- Publication
- Passing on the Flag
- Cultura Animi VII
Søren Kierkegaard
The Concept of Anxiety
What we can learn from animals as anxious humans
Søren Kierkegaard
The Concept of Anxiety
What we can learn from animals as anxious humans
Søren Kierkegaard
The Concept of Anxiety
What we can learn from animals as anxious humans
Søren Kierkegaard
The Concept of Anxiety
What we can learn from animals as anxious humans
Thomas Mann
What can we learn from the great European humanist?
Thomas Mann
What can we learn from the great European humanist?
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