
Cultivating the Human Spirit in Dispirited Times -

21 September 2019
9.15 – 17.00
National Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam

The Magic Mountain Revisited

‘To create intellectual clarity about life itself’ – that was Thomas Mann’s ambition with his masterpiece The Magic Mountain. In the spirit of its founding novel, the Nexus Institute has been bringing together the foremost thinkers and artists from all over the world for the past 25 years. To celebrate our 25th anniversary, the Nexus Symposium 2019, ‘The Magic Mountain Revisited’, revolved around the themes and music from The Magic Mountain.

As if Settembrini and Naptha were alive today, Bernard-Henri Lévy and Aleksandr Dugin debated on stage as defenders of the Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment. In a second debate, prominent intellectuals and artists discussed life and death, culture and politics, followed by music from the Magic Mountain performed by the world-famous tenor Ian Bostridge. Finally, a panel of young artists and activists discussed what all of this means for their generation: what kind of Bildung are they getting, what choices can they make, what challenges lie ahead for the future?


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Italy, 1956

Edoardo Albinati

novelist and journalist

United Kingdom, 1964

Ian Bostridge

world-renowned tenor
Aleksandr Dugin

Russia, 1962

Aleksandr Dugin

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Canada, 1978

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Tunesia, 1985

Intissar Kherigi

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Switzerland, 1990

Flavia Kleiner

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Algeria, 1948

Bernard-Henri Lévy

French philosopher and one of the most esteemed and bestselling writers in Europe

Italy, 1987

Andrea Marcolongo

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United States, 1995

Celeste Marcus

is the managing editor of Liberties.

Syria, 1949

Sari Nusseibeh

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United States, 1971

Pamela Paul

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United States, 1987

Jesse Paris Smith

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Poland, 1998

Wojtek Wieczorek

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USA, 1952

Leon Wieseltier

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