Photo: Robert Goddyn
France, 1940
British writer and academic

Gabriel Josipovici

Gabriel Josipovici is the author of novels, short stories, plays and literary criticsm. He was educated in Egypt and the United Kingdom, and studied English in Oxford. He teached English and comparative literature and was professor of English at the University of Sussex between 1963 and 1998, leaving in order to become a fulltime writer. Among his works are The World and the Book (1971),  The Book of God (1988), Touch (1996), A Life (2001), the short story collection Heart’s Wings (2010), the analytical What Ever Happened to Modernism? (2010), Infinity (2012), The Cemetery in Barnes (2016) and A Hundres Days (2021) – his response to the first COVID-19 lockdown. Josipovici also regularly contributes to the Times Literary Supplement.

A detailed discussion of What Ever Happened to Modernism? can be found in our Treasury.

Published in

Journal Nexus

Nexus 62

Poëzie van het leven
Journal Nexus

Nexus 60

Verborgen schatten van het Europees humanisme
Journal Nexus

Nexus 55

Hoop en vertroosting
Journal Nexus

Nexus 50

Europees humanisme in fragmenten. Grammatica van een ongesproken taal
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 44

Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 42

Europees testament
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 39

De queeste van het leven Deel III. Anatomie van het verlies

Speaker at


Nexus Conference 2008

Identity Please!

14 June 2008 09.30 - 18.00 Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam


Part I. Mass Democracy on Trial

What Is a Good Society?

13 November 2005 09.45 - 21.30 Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam


Arts and Education

Living European Values

23 October 2004 09.00 - 17.00 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlijn


Part III. The Anatomy of Loss

The Quest for Life

2 November 2003 9.20 - 22.00 Tilburg University