Germany, 1948
Eastern Europe expert
Karl Schlögel
Karl Schlögel is a historian and a Slavicist. He studied philosophy, sociology, Slavonic studies and history, and worked at various universities. He has been Professor of Eastern European History at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) since 1994. Among his works are Moskau lesen (1984), Berlin, Ostbahnhof Europas (1998), Marjampole oder Europas Wiederkehr aus dem Geist der Städte (2005) and Terror und Traum: Moskau 1937 (2008). In 2015, he published Entscheidung in Kiew. Ukrainische Lektionen.
Published in
Speaker at

Nexus Conference 2004
Europe: A Beautiful Idea?
4 december 2004
9.00 - 18.10
Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Rotterdam

Freedom and Democracy
Civilization and Power
19 November 2004
9.00 - 20.00
Library of Congress, Washington

The Idea of Europe
Past, Present and Future
2 October 2004
09.30 - 20.00
Palac Prymasowski, Warschau