Photo: Robert Goddyn
United States, 1948
historian of Poland and Europe

Adam Zamoyski

Adam Zamoyski is an award-winning historian and author of several acclaimed books on key figures in and aspects of European and Polish history such as his best-seller The Polish Way. A Thousand-Year History of the Poles and their Culture (1987), Moscow 1812. Napoleon’s Fatal March(2004) and Warsaw 1920 (2008). In 2014, Phantom Terror. The Threat of Revolution and the Repression of Liberty, 1789-1848 was published to critical acclaim, exploring the historic attempts of the governments of Europe to police the world in a struggle against obscure forces. Since receiving his degree from Oxford, Zamoyski has also worked as a distinguished commentator and reviewer, contributing to all the major British papers and periodicals as well as lecturing at universities all over the world, promoting the preservation of our shared European heritage. His most recent work is Napoleon: A Life (2018).

Published in

Journal Nexus

Nexus 79

Brief aan mijn leraar
Journal Nexus

Nexus 70

De terugkeer van Europa
Journal Nexus

Nexus 60

Verborgen schatten van het Europees humanisme
Journal Nexus

Nexus 50

Europees humanisme in fragmenten. Grammatica van een ongesproken taal
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier

Nexus 40

Europa realiseren

Speaker at



Nexus Symposium

Je suis Européen!

6 June 2015 14.00 - 17.00 DeLaMar Theater Amsterdam


Nexus Conference 2008

Identity Please!

14 June 2008 09.30 - 18.00 Passenger Terminal, Amsterdam


Nexus Conference 2004

Europe: A Beautiful Idea?

4 december 2004 9.00 - 18.10 Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Rotterdam


The Idea of Europe

Past, Present and Future

2 October 2004 09.30 - 20.00 Palac Prymasowski, Warschau