Hungary, 1925 - 2016
oncologist and humanist
George Klein
George Klein was an oncologist and an essayist. Between 1957 and 1993, he led the department of tumor boiology at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and taught at various universities. He published many articles on his research, but also wrote books on religion, atheism and humanism, such as The Atheist and the Holy City (1990), Pietà (1992) and Live Now (1997).
Published in
Journal Nexus
Nexus 67
School der beschaving
Journal Nexus
Nexus 67
School der beschaving
Journal Nexus
Nexus 59
De laatste vragen van Gustav Mahler
Journal Nexus
Nexus 59
De laatste vragen van Gustav Mahler
Journal Nexus
Nexus 55
Hoop en vertroosting
Journal Nexus
Nexus 55
Hoop en vertroosting
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 46
Durf ongelukkig te zijn
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 46
Durf ongelukkig te zijn
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 43
Brieven aan het nageslacht
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 43
Brieven aan het nageslacht
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 42
Europees testament
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 42
Europees testament
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 6
Journal Nexus
2010 or Earlier
Nexus 6
Speaker at

Gustav Mahler’s Ultimate Questions
The Questor Hero
14 May 2011
9.40 - 17.30
Het Muziektheater Amsterdam

Nexus Conference 2004
Europe: A Beautiful Idea?
4 december 2004
9.00 - 18.10
Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Rotterdam

The Idea of Europe
Past, Present and Future
2 October 2004
09.30 - 20.00
Palac Prymasowski, Warschau