
Nexus Conference 2024 -

Saturday 16 November 2024, 11 AM – 5 PM
National Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam

The Quest for Vision in the Era of Confusion, Corruption and Foolishness

The Quest for Vision

Where is humanity headed in these confusing and uncertain times? What are we to do, now that ‘the people’ are increasingly turning away from ‘the elite’, and even experienced politicians and supposed experts find themselves at a loss, not knowing where to go next? Where can we still find something to hold onto, when the distinction between truth and falsehood is becoming ever more blurred? As the road before us is growing increasingly foggy, as political extremism is on the rise everywhere and as a deep-seated sense of insecurity is taking hold, the need for a new vision of the future is becoming greater than ever.

But who can still provide us with that vision, and what should that vision be? The vision of a neoliberal market society, or that of social democracy? The vision of postmodern relativism, or that of Europe’s humanistic tradition? Or has it now fallen to us to formulate an entirely new paradigm? Have the already existing frameworks of thought truly lost their significance, or do we need to learn once again to look into the mirror of history to better understand our own time?

Now, the need for a new vision is beyond any doubt, in light of the growing economic and social inequality (and the social unrest that goes with it), and given the huge challenges posed by human-caused climate change (and approaching catas­trophes, if we are to believe the predictions). But the big question, which is divi­ding the world of economic power, still remains: what should that new vision be? And since everything has its price, how much are we prepared to pay for it?

These and many more questions will take center stage at the Nexus Conference 2024, ‘The Quest for Vision in the Era of Confusion, Corruption and Foolishness’, on 16 November at the Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam.

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Conference 2024 Standard

€ 80

Conference 2024 Under 35

€ 30

Ticket prices

Standard ticket: € 80,-
Nexus Companion: € 50,- (max.4)
Under 35 years: € 30,-
Nexus Friend: 2 free tickets

Please log in to order your ticket for the price that applies to you.


Lunch with complimentary refreshments
Book signing



Spain, 1947

Josep Borrell Fontelles

High Representative of the European Union

United States, 1958

Anne Case

prominent American economist at Princeton University

USA, 1985

Damien Chazelle

Oscar winner, director of La La Land and Babylon
20221217_Nexus_AngusDeaton-6 (1)

United Kingdom, 1945

Angus Deaton

Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics

USA, 1967

Rod Dreher

American conservative religious intellectual
Jeff Flake

United States, 1962

Jeff Flake

A high ranked Republican politician and critic of Trump

Hungary, 1952

László F. Földényi

brilliant essayist and main contributor to our journal Nexus

India, 1958

Ramachandra Guha

public intellectual and biographer of Gandhi

The Netherlands, 1980

Benjamín Labatut

Author of The MANIAC and When We Cease to Understand the World
Eric Li foto

China, 1968

Eric Li

venture capitalist, political scientist and critic of liberalism
Booker-Paul_Lynch-051 (c) Ray Burmiston

Ireland, 1977

Paul Lynch

novelist, winner of the 2023 Booker Prize

France, 1976

Garance Pineau

general director MEDEF, former European advisor to president Macron

United States, 1950

Gregory J. Polan

Abbot of the Benedictine Order
Photo Yann Revol

UK, 1955

Maurizio Serra

European humanist, diplomat, writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt

USA, 1961

Celeste Wallander

US Assistant Secretary of Defense
Nexus_Nietzsche V Gogh-0154

USA, 1952

Leon Wieseltier

Jewish American liberal and editor of Liberties

Read the introductory essay


Rob Riemen

The Quest for Vision in the Era of Confusion, Corruption and Foolishness

Introducing the topic of the Nexus Conference 2024

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